When companies misconstrue learning and development, the employees are given a disservice. Adequate learning and development is about comprehending the core of what you need to understand, applying it to real-world situations directly, acquiring immediate feedback and refining your understanding, and then reprising the cycle. It is vital for lean learning to guarantee that employees not only learn the right thing at the proper time but also for the right causes and to retain what they learn.
The author of The Lean Startup, Eric Ries, claims, "The only way to win is to learn faster than anyone else." Organizations spent $359 billion worldwide on training in 2016, but was it beneficial? Not when you consider these factors: 75% of 1,500 managers surveyed from across 50 organizations were dissatisfied with their company's Learning & Development function; 70% of employees report that they do not have mastery of the skills needed to do their jobs; Only 12% of employees apply new skills learned in L&D programs to their employment, and only 25% of respondents to a recent McKinsey survey believe that training measurably improved performance.
Employees today often learn undeviating topics on L&D's schedule; at the same time, these courses bear little relevance to their primary roles, and their learning, as a result, suffers. Lean learning involves: Learning the core of what you need to learn, applying it to real-world situations immediately, receiving immediate feedback and refining your understanding—repeating the cycle. The principles behind lean learning are similar to those of lean manufacturing and initial lean startups.
Lean learning increases adaptability, which encourages today's businesses to gain the competitive advantage that organizations need today. When you account for the fact that humans learn as they teach, peer learning offers a way to support immediate, in real-time learning while reinforcing the existing knowledge your employees have about concepts.
Leedus empowers employees with the tools to unlock peer to peer learning recommendations. Want to find out more about Leedus? Get in touch!